Systems Modeling and Simulation as Part of Digital Transformation Initiatives

Frank Popielas • March 9, 2021

Education Driving Systems Modeling and Simulation Understanding & Adoption

The complexity of systems is rapidly increasing across all industries. Embedded systems and interactive environments account for an increasing share of a product’s features and its total cost. Through Digital Transformation, companies seek to stay competitive and lead in their market segments. In an engineering driven environment, Systems Modeling and Simulation with its subset Model-Based Systems Engineering is widely regarded as a critical component in this digital transformation.

In many companies, executives, management, and practitioners are overwhelmed by the rapid pace of today’s technology and its impact on organizations and processes. Typically, companies decide to investigate solution providers before their digital transformation needs are identified resulting in ‘false starts’. Knowledge about SMS, its elements and how they are linked are key to make this a successful initiative and part of the overall digital transformation of the business. Education is the fundamental step to provide this knowledge. This will allow the various levels of an organization to speak the same language and understand each other. In addition, having the proper knowledge will help to put a proper execution strategy in place. 

Especially in our current turbulent times, the pace of digital transformation is accelerating. We see education being an essential factor to avoid ‘false starts’ and, thus, stay competitive and make the business transformation sustainable.

Make use of our Training & Certificate Programs designed for the various levels of an organization - executives, managers, and practitioners: Education & Training | SMS_ThinkTank 

What are your experiences?

March 9, 2021

Model-based systems engineering and integrated systems model
By Ed Ladzinski March 3, 2021
Some industries, especially Aerospace & Defense (A&D), are well versed in systems engineering and embrace the pursuit of formal implementations of MBSE. Very large A&D corporations have the challenge of aligning many partnerships and suppliers each with dependencies. Their overall development is extremely complex allowing only a small margin of error. Additionally, this journey has been an extreme focus for many years. Could the implementation challenges experienced by A&D companies influence agile small and medium-sized cross-industries attempts? Thoughts? March 3, 2021
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